An incubation and acceleration project for blockchain-based projects with a focus on early-stage startups. Apply Now: pharao@cairo.finance

What is Cairo Incubator, and why should projects join?

Cairo Incubator focuses on projects that add beneficial technology to the industry. By participating in the incubation program, you will gain access to a strong community, networking contacts, agencies, and the invaluable experience of other project owners.

The program emphasizes three pillars:

  1. Marketing Support

  2. Fundraising and Liquidity Support

  3. Facilitating connections with like-minded projects

$CBANK Investors' Benefits

The Cairo Finance team will select the best available projects and secure the best deals for investors as well. Investors will have the opportunity to invest in early-stage projects. If you know any project seeking Marketing, Fundraising, or Liquidity support, feel free to reach out to the Cairo Finance team.

Last updated